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# what you need to know about the ri hands free driving law

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RI HandsFree Law - Rhode Island Rhode Island Department of… » Rhode Island has a new law that prohibits any driver use of hand-held… police officer observes you holding a phone and talking or texting while driving, you will  ...

What Rhode Island Drivers Need to Know About the New “Hands… » What Rhode Island Drivers Need to Know About the New “Hands Free” Law. Request Your Consultation. On Friday, June 1, 2018, Rhode Island will go “ hands free.… Text messaging is still illegal under Rhode Island General Laws 31 -22-30… If you or a loved one has been charged with using a hand-held phone in Rhode ...

Rhode Island, Are You Ready to be Hands-Free On June 1st? » May 22, 2018… As many of us already know, distracted driving-related accidents are on… As drivers, we need to prepare for this new law.… ri hands free law.

R.I. drivers, beware: Handling cellphone while driving illegal at 12… » May 30, 2018… Under the new law, drivers must employ hands-free equipment such as… What you need to know about the R.I. 'hands-free' driving law | Take ...

31-22-30 » (a) For purposes of this section, the following terms shall have the following meanings: (1) "Driving" means operating a motor vehicle on a public road, including… (2) "Hands free" means the manner in which a wireless handset is operated for the… on any public street or public highway within the state of Rhode Island.

Rhode Island Hands-Free Driving Law In Effect | Bristol, RI Patch » Apr 30, 2018… Rhode Island Hands-Free Driving Law In Effect - Bristol-Warren, RI - Rhode Island… Rhode Island's hands-free phone law went into effect Friday and drivers must now put away their phones… "We will do our part to ensure motorists understand and abide by the new law,… 21See More Events Near You >.

Rhode Island Drivers to Go Hands-Free on June 1: New Law… » May 9, 2018… "Like so many other types of crashes we see, those involving drivers distracted by their cell phones are preventable," RIDOT Director Peter ...

What you need to know about the R.I. 'hands-free' driving law | Take… » May 9, 2018… As of June 1, police can begin pulling over and ticketing drivers $100 if they see them talking on a hand-held phone.

RI Hands-Free Cellphone Law Now In Effect - The Public's Radio » Jun 1, 2018… It is now illegal in Rhode Island for drivers to hold a cell phone or other wireless device while operating a… We want the roads to be safer.

AAA, State Leaders Highlight R.I. Hands-Free Law - Your AAA… » May 9, 2018… The hands-free law is the latest step to improve traffic safety in Rhode Island,… “I do believe this is going to have a very tangible effect,” she said.… “We're not going to know who, but lives are going to be saved,” she said.


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